While retrieving some items from a dump, siege engineer Sigun Bannerrain was killed when struck by a piece of leather thrown into the pit from above :(.

The worker Doren Faithtorch was also injured by falling leather while retrieving Sigun's body. He only suffered a bruise, but Mayor Mosus II Lanterngaze-Anguishedpages immediately forbid all items in the vicinity. It's unsure how any items in that area had been marked for retrieval. As a precaution, all dump sites were placed under review.
Soon after, several other dwarves were found injured, including Zefon Taxeddagger, son of the late Duke Phyllite Taxeddagger. After being struck by falling junk, he fell unconscious on top of a cage trap. He was quickly rescued and taken to the hospital, where he joined three other dwarves recuperating from similar injuries: Stakud II Lanterngaze, Logem Chanceblockades, and Asmel II Lighttool.
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